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Miscellaneous 1939 Plymouths (page 2)

Deeeeeeluxe: This nicely-restored Plymouth P8 Deluxe coupe looks great in blue. Thanks to blog reader Bob Molyneux who pointed me to a photo posted at Old School Rides. (posted 6/21/18, permalink)
Mayfair Street Scene: A photo, taken March 11, 1942, shows Frankford Avenue at Cottman Avenue in the Mayfair section of Northeast Philadelphia. The car at left is a 1939 Plymouth sedan with a unique ... (more >>>)

Droptop Beauty: Mac's Motor City Garage posted a photo of a 1939 Plymouth P8 convertible with rumble seat and a side-mounted spare tire. Owned by Wilbur and Carolyn Burkett. The car was exhibited at the September 2018 Ypsilanti Orphan Car Show held in Riverside Park.

"This was the first year for column shift and the last year for a rumble seat at the Plymouth division." This is the first time I've ever seen a side mount spare on a '39 Plymouth that wasn't a station wagon. (posted 10/16/18, permalink)

Field Of Dreams: The Old Motor posted a photo of a holding lot full of 1939 Plymouths. The photograph was taken on April 22, 1939 and "is almost mesmorizing to take in. The scene was called at the time, Sandlotters Field, and it was located at Adair and Jefferson Avenues in Detroit." (posted 12/10/18, permalink)

Stuck In Traffic: The Old Motor posted a 1940s-era photo of a line of cars waiting in line at a scenic spot, possibly Yellowstone National Park. The gray coupe circled in red is a bluish-gray 1939 Plymouth. Behind the Plymouth is a light grey '37 Chevy coupe, followed by a black '40s Pontiac coupe. Ahead of the Plymouth is what appears to be a 1938 Packard touring sedan. (posted 1/14/19, permalink)

Big Storm: On March 7, 1941, New York City "was buried in snow," according to a report in Universal-International News, a filmed 'news short' released in movie theaters during the period. The film's narrator - Ben Grauer, a former child actor and well-known radio and television announcer from the 1930s through ‘50s, called the NYC snowstorm "the greatest storm of its recorded history." In sections of the city, over 18 inches of white stuff was measured. A screen grab from the newsreel shows a dark-colored 1939 Plymouth sedan with an accumulation of snow early on in the storm. (posted 2/21/19, permalink)

The Great White North: The Old Motor posted a 1947 parking lot photo taken on Fleet Street in Toronto showing a number of interesting old cars, including three 1939 Plymouths. From left: 1946-47 Ford Tudor, 1939 Plymouth four-door sedan, 1939 Ford (directly behind it is another 1939 Plymouth), 1941 Plymouth, 1936 Ford, 1937-38 Hudson Terraplane, 1939 Nash (directly behind it is another '39 Plymouth). (posted 5/2/19, permalink)
Two 1939 Plymouths - One Photo: The Old Motor posted an old Philadelphia photograph taken in the Strawberry Mansion area of North Philadelphia on November 9, 1951. While some commentors on The Old Motor site believe that the photo was taken at 23rd and Market Sts. downtown, it looks to me like the photo was taken on 22nd or 23rd Street at the intersection of York St. or Lehigh Avenue.

There are two 1939 Plymouths in the photo - one two-door sedan on the road, driving past a 1946-48 Ford Tudor and one four-door '39 Plymouth in the corner of the parking lot. A noteworthy car ... (more >>>)

Summer In Vermont: In a 1941 photo, a girl waits patiently in the passenger seat of a 1939 Plymouth P8 DeLuxe convertible parked in the business district of Brattleboro, Vermont.

The Plymouth has its top down and rumble seat open. A dark-colored 1935 Ford cabriolet - with its top up - cruises by in the background. Also in the background is A. F. Roberts, a grocery chain with locations in Chesterfield, NH, Hillsdale, NH, North Adams, Mass, Brattleboro Mass and, of course, in Vermont. (posted 7/22/19, permalink)

Still In Business: Lang Motors has been in business since 1924 and originated when John Wesley 'Wes' Lang Sr., at the age of twenty-one, opened a Maxwell automobile dealership in Titusville, Pennsylvania. Wes moved to Meadville, PA in 1927 and became a Dodge dealer, and later, a Packard dealer.

This photo was taken in 1947 - note the 1939 Plymouth at right. Wes' son, John Wesley 'Jack' Lang joined his father in the car business in 1951 and the two operated Wes Lang Motors together until Wes retired in 1967. Jack continued to grow the business, changed the name to Lang Motors and bought additional properties, which abutted the Lang Motors tract. Jack's son, Dane Lang joined the business full-time in 1976. Lang Motors is still located in downtown Meadville, PA. (posted 8/1/19, permalink)

Unusual Engine: This highly-modified 1939 Plymouth pickup is powered by a 1930s-era Jacobs 7-cylinder 757 cubic-inch radial aircraft engine from a seaplane. (posted 8/8/19, permalink)

Help Wanted: Taken in 1942, this photo shows that lots of openings are available for war work at this Detroit employment office. Note the 1939 Plymouth coupe parked out front. (posted 9/20/19, permalink)

Waiting For Service: The Old Motor posted photos taken in July 1946 at a Firestone Service Center in Ann Arbor, Michigan. There is a '39 Plymouth coupe in the photo with a dent in the right rear fender. That Firestone store is still in business today. (posted 1/24/20, permalink)

At The Movies: A 1939 Plymouth business coupe is parked outside the Mission Theatre in Vancouver, WA in this period photograph which was probably taken in 1939 or 1940. Located in the Hough neighborhood at 2300 Main Street (now an artsy area known as 'Uptown Vancouver'), the Mission Theatre opened in the mid-1930s and operated as a movie house until the mid-1950s. By 2015, the building had been repurposed as an office building and was occupied by an architectural firm. These days, it is the site of a law office.

'The Girl From Mexico' was a low-budget comedy released in June, 1939, starring Mexican-born hottie Lupe Vélez. The Saint In London' was a British crime film also released in 1939. It starred George Sanders as Simon Templar. (hat tip: Mark Holbrook) (posted 2/25/20, permalink)

Springtime With Old Cars: At the brick-paved intersection of South 7th and East Monroe Streets in Springfield, Illinois, you'll find lots of old cars in this Spring 1947 photo. Parked at the corner is a 1939 Plymouth four-door sedan. (posted 4/16/20, permalink)

Plymouth Cop Cars: In 1939, the New York Police Department received a pair of Stinson SR-10K planes. One is pictured here with a 1939 Plymouth coupe police car. Plymouth began supplying cars to police departments in the early 1930s.

The 1939 P8 Coupe pictured here alongside a Stinson Reliant airplane served with the New York Police Department and is painted in the distinctive 'NYPD Green' colors of the period: white roof, green body sides and black fenders. (hat tip: Steve Bogdan) (posted 9/14/20, permalink)

Set In 1950 Missouri: This black 1939 Plymouth Deluxe Sedan (above) appeared in the 2020 season (Season 4) of 'Fargo'. 'Fargo' is an American crime drama-black comedy anthology television series made for the FX Network. The photo below shows a different dark-blue '39 Plymouth sedan (with snow on the fenders and a sealed beam headlight conversion) meeting a dark green 1952 Packard. (posted 11/16/20, permalink)

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'39 Plymouth